Easter 2024

Easter Decor Trends 2024: Get Inspired!

Discover the hottest trends for Easter decorations in 2024. We've gathered our favorite ideas for the early Easter celebration happening at the end of March.

Paper Decorations

We've seen plenty of beautiful paper decorations for Christmas, and now they're continuing into Easter. The reason why paper decorations have become such a big hit is because they're eco-friendly, fun, easy to decorate with, and take up minimal space when it's time to pack them away.

Our paper decorations for Easter 2024 come in charming sorbet and pastel colours that perfectly complement the Scandinavian style.

Nordic and Neutral

Imagine neutral tones like green, white, and grey with pops of yellow colors. The natural and Nordic aesthetic creates a stylish and more exclusive look.

Feathers Take Center Stage

Feathers are set to make a big splash this season - both on the catwalk and in our homes. While feathers for Easter are nothing new, this year they will be a major trend.

Sweet Sorbet Colors

The arrival of spring means vibrant colors and light that uplift the mood. So don't be afraid to play around with beautiful pastel and sorbet colors. Instead of only using yellow for Easter, have fun with shades of pink, purple, and mint.