
Decora tu terraza o balcón con estilo y elegancia con Lene Bjerre. Da la bienvenida a tus invitados con hermosas macetas al aire libre junto a la entrada.


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FAQ - outdoor furniture

How do you clean outdoor furniture?

Dirty garden chairs and tables can ruin the aesthetic beauty of your outdoor space. Cleaning garden furniture is not rocket science, and there are several ways you can do it. Start by removing loose dirt and debris using a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth. Then, mix some dish soap in a bucket of warm water and gently scrub the furniture. Make sure you rinse off any soap residue with clean water, let it dry in the sun, and voila! Your garden furniture will look as good as new. Remember, regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the lifespan of your garden furniture and enhance your outdoor experience.

When to put out garden furniture?

As the temperatures rise and the days become longer, it's only natural to want to spend more time outdoors. And what better way to do so than lounging on your garden furniture beneath the warmth of the sun? But when is the right time to put out your outdoor seating arrangements? Generally speaking, it's best to wait until the last frost has passed and the ground is dry enough to support the weight of your furniture. For most regions, this means waiting until late spring or early summer. However, it's important to keep in mind that weather patterns can vary from year to year, so it's always a good idea to keep an eye on the forecast before setting up your outdoor oasis.

Can garden furniture be left outside all year?

Garden furniture is a popular addition to many outdoor spaces, providing a comfortable and relaxing place to sit and enjoy the great outdoors. However, with changing weather conditions, many people wonder if it is safe to leave their garden furniture outside all year round. The answer to this question depends on a few factors. Firstly, the type of furniture you have will play a big role in its durability. Materials such as teak and metal are better suited to outdoor use than others. Secondly, the climate in your area will also impact your furniture's lifespan. In harsher environments, it is generally recommended to store your furniture indoors during the colder months. With some basic care and attention, you can ensure that your garden furniture lasts for many seasons to come.